Born on January 5, 1943
York, PA
Inducted On
July 25, 2003
Location Inducted
Hartford City, IN
Region Number
North Miami
Hartford City
2-year letterman for Airedale football team.
St. Joseph College 1964; Indiana University School of Law 1964-1965; Ball State University MS
2-year letterman; Vice-President of St. Joe Letterman's Club 1963-1964.
Head coach of North All-Stars 1992; assistant coach of North All-Stars 1986; active in Indiana Football Coaches Association (IFCA) as President 1989-1990, Chairman of Past-President's Committee, Chairman of Committee to write IFCA Code of Ethics, Region 5 Advisor, Region 3 Director, and member of Rating Board; Board Member of Indiana Football Hall of Fame; liaison between Indiana Football Hall of Fame and Indiana Football Coaches Association; member of Wishbone Association Advisory Board and Indiana Option Camp Board.
Wife, JoAnn; daughter, Betsy.
Coaching Experience: 26 years as football head coach and 11+ years as assistant coach; assistant football coach at Hartford City/Blackford HS 1966-1974 and boys assistant track coach; head football coach at South Adams 1975-1984 and assistant and head boys and girls track coach; head football coach at North Miami HS 1985-2000 and assistant boys track coach; assistant football coach at Northwestern HS in Kokomo 2001-2010; retired from teaching and coaching in 2010.
Coaching Honors: Class 2A State Runner-up 1973 with 1st State Play-offs; Class 2A State Champion 1974 Blackford HS; Class 1A State Champion 1993 at North Miami HS, with 4 backs who rushed for 1000+ yards 1993 season; set State Final game records for rushing attempts/1st rush downs 1994 and ranked #1 Class 1A entire season; set 1994 National Record with 98 yards rushing and 38 1st downs in one game; Regional Championships 1993 and 1994; Sectional Championships 1985, 1993, 1994; Three Rivers Conference Championships 1985, 1991, and 1995.
Coaching Honors: Class 2A State Runner-up 1973 with 1st State Play-offs; Class 2A State Champion 1974 Blackford HS; Class 1A State Champion 1993 at North Miami HS, with 4 backs who rushed for 1000+ yards 1993 season; set State Final game records for rushing attempts/1st rush downs 1994 and ranked #1 Class 1A entire season; set 1994 National Record with 98 yards rushing and 38 1st downs in one game; Regional Championships 1993 and 1994; Sectional Championships 1985, 1993, 1994; Three Rivers Conference Championships 1985, 1991, and 1995.