
Born on August 14, 1906
Dyer, IN
on the beach during the Iwo Jima Landing on February 19, 1945.
Inducted On
August 18, 1979
Location Inducted
Richmond, IN (Posthumously)
Region Number
Starred in football and basketball.
University of Notre Dame
Great blocker and brilliant defensive player; shared right halfback position sophomore year; number one right halfback junior and senior years; scored and said the famous words "that's one for the Gipper" as Notre Dame defeated Army November 10, 1928, in Yankee Stadium.
In 1937, resigned as U of Texas coach when appointed Deputy Attorney General of Texas; later went on to enter oil business in Sequin, Texas; remained there until drafted during World War II; was given a discharge from Army to accept a Marine Commission; after training at Camp Pendleton, CA, was assigned to Camp Lejeune, NC, as Athletic Officer and head coach in late 1943; in January 1944, requested to be assigned to combat duty with 27th regiment of Fifth Marine Division which went overseas fall 1944 as 1st Lieutenant, USMC, liaison officer.
Coaching Experience: End of 1928 season remained as backfield coach in 1929 and 1930; when Knute Rockne was killed in airplane crash March 31, 1931, university officials named him "Junior Head Coach;" resigned in 1931; became head coach of Chicago Cardinals of National Football League in 1932; became head coach of St. Edwards University in Austin, TX, 1933; became head coach of University of Texas 1934.