
Born on June 29, 1920
Holder, IL
October 27, 1998.
Inducted On
April 30, 1977
Location Inducted
South Bend, IN
Region Number
Lowell, IN
Played 4 years football and basketball; basketball and football captain 1938; honor student and number one in graduating class.
Purdue University 1942; Marquette University Medical School
Distinguished student throughout college; received Iron Key and Gimlet; 3-year varsity football end; Chicago Tribune nominee MVP 1941; member Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity at PU; member Phi Chi Medical Fraternity and Kappa Alpha Fraternity Honorary at MU.
Played with Philadelphia Eagles 1942; was able to play football at Marquette in 1943 following year in pros since most eligibility rules were suspended during years of WW II; served in US Navy during WW II; inducted into Purdue Athletic Hall of Fame 1997.
Wife, Sally Belle; children, Sally Jeanne and Paul; 4 grandchildren.
Merit Contributor - Team Physician: While in private medical practice in Lowell, IN, served as team physician and assistant football coach; as Purdue's team physician, served as a consultant for many high schools in area of athletic injuries; served as team physician for 1958 Pan American Games in Chicago; participated on many national committees that influenced equipment standards of safety and rule changes for secondary and college; received Sports Illustrated Anniversary All-American Award 1966; member of AMA National and State Operating Committee for Standards in Athletic Equipment (Board of Directors); American College of Sports Medicine Association; Joint Commission on Competitive Safeguard and Medical Aspects of Sports; advisor National Athletic Injury Report System; honorary member of National Athletic Trainers Association; representative to NCAA American Society of Test Material.