
Born on December 8, 1914
Lowell, IN
May 28, 1968.
Inducted On
May 16, 1976
Location Inducted
East Chicago, IN
Region Number
Lowell, IN
Received 12 letters in football, basketball, and baseball; All-State as football left guard; All-Conference in basketball.
Indiana University
All-Indiana University Team 1935; IU's Balfour Outstanding Player Award 1937; All-American Team; North American Newspaper All-America Board of Football First Team; Coaches' All-American Team; The Captains' All-American Team (chosen by over 30 football captains in the country); Associated Press All-Star First Team; Liberty Magazine All-Players Choice All-American First Team; New York Sun and Newsweek All-American First Team; Chicago Tribune Silver Football Award and All-Star Team; Big Ten Most Valuable Player; Kate Smith All-American Team; member of All-East Team in East-West Shiner’s Game in San Francisco 1938.
Officiated in All-American Professional Conference 1946-1949; was a Big Ten Conference football official 1951-1961; officiated in Chicago Tribune All-Star Game 1957; officiated in 1957 Rose Bowl Game.
Wife, Margaret; children Richard, Corbett, Mary, and Barbara; two grandchildren.
Professional Athletic Background: First NFL draft choice 1938; played for Cleveland Rams four seasons until drafted into US Army 1943; wounded in action in France which ended his ability to play football professionally.
Coaching Experience: Assistant coach at South Bend John Adams HS; coached football, basketball and track at St. Charles, IL, HS 1940-1941.
Coaching Experience: Assistant coach at South Bend John Adams HS; coached football, basketball and track at St. Charles, IL, HS 1940-1941.