
Born on January 2, 1922
January 1, 1984.
Inducted On
July 12, 1996
Location Inducted
South Bend, IN (Posthumously)
Region Number
Notre Dame
Merit - Athletic Trainer
South Bend Washington
All-Northern Indiana Conference (Eastern Division); All-State Honors as an end; also played softball.
University of Notre Dame
Played freshman football and joined the athletic training staff until his graduation.
Wife, Patricia; children, Mary Patricia, John William, Ann, Robert Stephen, and James Robert.
Merit Contributor - Athletic Trainer: Contributed more than 30 years as an athletic trainer at his alma mater; started his training career at New York University before returning to Notre Dame; was trainer of 5 Heisman Trophy winners - Angelo Bertelli, John Lujack, John Lattner, Leon Hart, and Paul Hornung; served as trainer for coaches Krause, Leahy, Parseghian, Divine, Holtz, Faust, and Phelps.
Professional Honors: Inducted into National Athletic Trainers Hall of Fame in 1983; received the 1995 Harvey Foster Award from the University of Notre Dame.
Professional Honors: Inducted into National Athletic Trainers Hall of Fame in 1983; received the 1995 Harvey Foster Award from the University of Notre Dame.