
Born on September 1, 1941
Muncie, IN
Inducted On
June 17, 2010
Location Inducted
Indianapolis, IN
Region Number
Indpls Colts
Merit - Team Physician
Muncie Burris
Yale University 1963; Cornell University, NY MD
Internship at San Francisco General Hospital, CA 1967-1968; second year post-doctural work at University of California, San Francisco 1968-1969; residency at University of California - Irvine, Orange, CA 1972-1976; fellowships - Long Beach Memorial Hospital, Long Beach, Ca 1976-1977 in Sports Medicine; Indiana University Medical Center - St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis, IN January though June 1977 in hand surgery; served as an N.A.S. Flight Surgeon, January 1970 to June, 1972 in Pensacola, FL; Vice-President Washington Township Little League Football 1991; member Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society; 2001 Emageon MVP NFL Physician of the Year; 2003 President's Invited Lecturer AAHS annual meeting; 2003 Indiana State Medical Association Team Physician Award; 2003 Jerry "Hawk" Rhea Outstanding NFL Team Physician of the Year; recognized presenter of numerous workshops, seminars, and symposiums; author of scores o publications related to orthopaedic injuries and treatment especially as related to athletic injuries, treatments, and recovery; licensed to practice in California, Indiana, and Michigan; holds medical society memberships in American Medical Association, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, American Othopaedic Society of Sports Medicine, Indiana State Medical Association, Marion County Medical Association, North American Trauma Association (President 1981-1982), Mid American Orthopaedic Society, Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Omega Alpha, Clinical Orthopaedic Society, Arthroscopy Association of North America, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, NFL Physicians Society, and Herodicus Society; holds academic and administrative appointments as Clinical Instructor - Orthopaedic Surgery, Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis; Clinical Assistant Professor at Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis; Secretary/Treasurer National Football League Physicians Society; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health, Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies at Purdue University; and, Adjunct Professor College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Butler University; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Board Certified September, 1978; holds hospital appointments at St. Vincent Hospital of Indianapolis, St. Vincent Carmel Hospital, Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis, Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, and Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis.
Wife, Bonnie Jean; sons, Lance and Bradley.
Merit Contributor - Team Physician: Served as orthopaedic physician for IUPUI athletic program; orthopaedic consultant for Indiana University basketball program; team physician to the Indianapolis Colts football team; volunteer physician for Olympic Training Center at Colorado Springs July 4 through July 19, 1985; volunteer physician for US Olympic Festival at Houston, TX July 1986; volunteer physician for Pan Am Games in Indianapolis 1987.