
Born on December 20, 1896
Warsaw, IN
January 6, 1990.
Inducted On
January 17, 1976
Location Inducted
Richmond, IN
Region Number
Merit - Official
Football was not played at Wingate; member of 1913-1914 State Championship basketball team; captain of baseball and track teams.
Wabash College
First and only 4 letter freshman in history of Wabash College; won 16 letters in 4 years; captain of basketball team; State Baseball Championship team; National Collegiate Basketball Champions 1921-1922; first place in Little State Meet shot put; president of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, Square and Compass Club, and Athletic Association; member Little Giants Club; selected on some All-State Football Teams; winner of Maurice E. Butler Award, senior year; Distinguished Honor to Outstanding Man Award in graduating class for scholarship, personality, and campus activities.
Executive Director, Baker Boys Club of Warsaw; Golden Boy Award and Distinguished Achievement Award for Boys Club work; associated with Warsaw City Schools for 39 years; member of Boys Club Professional Association; member of Governor's Youth Council 1962; Honorary Director of Wabash College Relays 1963; President, Wabash College Alumni Association; football achievement written up in Saturday Evening Post 1941; past-president and director of Wabash Rotary Club; Honorary Rotarian for 33 years; 32nd Degree Mason; 50-year member Blue Lodge Scottish Rite Shriner, Mizpah Temple; Fort Wayne member Kosciusko County Shrine Club; American Legion 50-year member; Elks Club, Life Member; declared Honorary Citizen of Warsaw by Warsaw mayor; Alumni Award of Merit From Wabash College 1974 (highest honor the Association of Wabash Men bestows); inducted into Wabash College Hall of Fame 1982.
Career Background: First official certified to officiate in high school football, track, basketball, and baseball; officiated in high school, college, and semi-pro for 40 years.

Coaching Experience: Coached all 4 branches of athletics at Warsaw HS 1924-1926.