Past Winners
Scholarship Winner
Wisdom Adaka

Wisdom Adaka
Eric and Annamaria Adaka
Scholarship Year
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
LaTonya Turner
Ryan Gallogly
First generation American born citizen; Black Student Union officer; received the Dimension Award from Ohio Northern University.
Worked on an Internship for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, helping mentor children aged 5-17.
3-year member of National Honor Society; Academic Honors Program (AP Calculus, Honors Chemistry, Honors Geometry); received the Stacey T. Hawkins Memorial Scholarship from Brebeuf; placed in the top 3 percentile among African Americans who took the PSAT; 3.69 GPA.
Football - 2-year varsity letterman/starter as Defensive Tackle; earned 3 varsity letters in track and basketball; Weightlifting - reached a total body strength of 1,195 pounds with a clean of 285, bench of 305, and squat of 605.
Wisdom will study pharmacy and play football at Ohio Northern University.